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The famous Chicago and Northwestern Station in Chicago, IL. Photo taken in October of 1981. Unfortunately, demolition started shortly after this photo was taken.
At West Chicago Yard, we see 2 E-8 Krandall cabs, an F-7, and a Metra F-40PH.
The CNW 1385 is seen here in May of 1981 taking on water at its home in North Freedom, Wi.
The aftermath of a wreck between two freights, just west of Glen Ellyn, IL. in 1976.
Continuation of the above wreck.
The locomotives ended up in the street, with one engine reported still running.
C&NW coal train is waiting to be loaded in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Photo taken in April 1994.
This loaded coal train heads south out of the Basin in April 1994.
C&NW F-7's in freight service in Belvedere, IL in November 1980. This line is primarily used to provide auto parts to a Chrysler assembly plant.
The Belvedere extra heads west at sunset through Union, IL. in October 1979 with 5 F units.
5 F units lead the Belvedere extra south through South Elgin, IL in July 1980.
Last updated 3:58 PM 8/18/2006
© Copyright 1998-2006, John Rockey